
Actio verbs
Actio verbs

actio verbs

Establishes Institutes permanently by enactment or agreement. Directs Governs or controls work operations by establishing the implementing objectives, practices and methods. Determines Fixes conclusively, regulates. Denies Refuses to give or grant (something requested or desired) to (someone). Delegates Entrusts to another person tasks or duties which require exercise of some of the authority of the person originally responsible, as "To delegate an administrative assistant to represent the department at conferences." Deletes Eliminates or wipes out. Coordinates Regulates, adjusts or directs the related actions of others in order to attain desired results. Also, the process of monitoring activities to ensure conformance with planned results. Controls Directs, regulates, or guides the use of money, methods, equipment, and materials.

actio verbs

Consults Considers, asking advice or requests opinion of.

actio verbs

Cancels Decides or announces that (a planned event) will not take place. Authorizes Approves or commits an act implying subsequent action by others. Approves Exercises final and decisive authority, causing action to use money, manpower, materials, or equipment. Administers Oversees the operational details of a process or program (generally requires some additional explanation to show specific detail). Adapts Modifies or changes to fit specific or new situations. Administrative Action Verbs Advises Offers an informed opinion or give specialized information to others. The following lists are action verbs that are frequently seen in position descriptions, with a brief definition of each. Action verbs reflect behaviors that are measurable, observable, verifiable, and reliable. An action verb is a word that conveys actions or behaviors, and reflects the type of performance that is to occur. Since every function of a job should be a description of something an employee does, it makes sense to lead with a word that describes that action. It is recommended that departments use action verbs when describing the essential and nonessential duties on a position description.

Actio verbs