
Soul eater mr corner
Soul eater mr corner


  • Person In White: At the party thrown for hir.
  • Person In Black: Crona's default outfit.
  • Parental Abandonment: Why any Soul Eater fan who looks beyond Medusa's Magnificent Bastard status wants to strangle her for being a grievously bad mother.
  • Waitwaitwait- are we talking about Asura or Crona?!
  • Not So Different: A pale, extremely anthropophobic, insane person who betrayed Shibusen, has Black Blood, has a weapon inside his/her own body, and is "allergic to rules".
  • And it gets worse as s/he edges closer to insanity.
  • Noodle People: While all of the characters are drawn to look rather skinny, s/he's the most obvious example.
  • S/he's even quite jittery when s/he's Axe Crazy.
  • Nervous Wreck: Thanks to being raised to become a new Kisin by Medusa.
  • My Master, Right or Wrong - S/he seems to have this relationship with Medusa.
  • Humanoid Abomination: Has been gradually edging closer to this as the Black Blood nears completion.

    Heel Face Revolving Door: It's unknown which side Crona will end the manga on, but zhe finishes the anime as a Face after a full trip around the revolving door.Hartman Hips: Not helping the "what gender is Crona anyway" discussions at all.Also Crona is Maka's rival and after her Heel Face Turn becomes extremely attached to her. Hir relationship with Medusa makes a second contrast, with hir desperately seeking approval from hir Jerkass mother. Dark Magical.Person: You know how Maka and Soul have a deep and affectionate relationship and defeat their enemies with weaponized friendship? Crona's relationship with Ragnarok is about as far as one could go in the other direction.Combat Tentacles: As of Chapter 96, s/he has Maleficent-esque thorns made of Black Blood that s/he uses like tentacles to attack/defend/look badass.

    soul eater mr corner

    The former quickly turns into a Madness Mantra:.


    Catch Phrase: "I don't know how to deal with this." and "My blood is black.".Calling the Old Woman Out: After Medusa shows Crona affection for the first time in his/her life and even apologizes for her cruel treatment, Crona quite epically freaks out and rants about how she made hir throw away everything, and how zhe too was " thrown away," all the while stabbing her to a bloody pulp.Brown Note: Hir poetry is so depressing that it makes ANYONE, even the normally hyperactive Black Star, sulk in a corner wishing they were never born.Body Horror: Taken for granted, but doesn't become fully apparent until chapter 68, when we see that between the corruption of Medusa, Ragnarok, and the Black Clown, hir soul has become twisted and deformed almost beyond recognition.Bloody Murder: Crona can use all his/her blood as a weapon.It's going to take a lot more than a hug to fix hir now, Maka. Ax Crazy - Seems to be this, as of recent manga chapters.Despite going with male pronouns for simplicity, some of the English actors and the dub director still refer to Crona as "him/her" (and Medusa, pretty much the only one who would actually know, actually calls Crona "it").

    soul eater mr corner

  • This even plagued Funimation for the dub.
  • Adaptation Dye Job: Hair was pink in the manga but purple in the anime (though there are a few manga illustrations where it's purple, it's usually pink).
  • Zhe is unusual for a meister because zhe and hir weapon share the same body, which is a source of Squick for the heroes.

    soul eater mr corner

    Crona is Ragnarok's meister of intentionally unclear gender, and initially worked for Medusa.

    Soul eater mr corner